I'm struggling a lot lately with what I want this blog to be. When I began it, almost two (two?!) years ago, its purpose was mainly to make sure I was writing weekly and to help me work through a whole world of issues and anger and frustration following my terrible first marriage and subsequent divorce. It was a place for me to be open and honest about what had happened, to talk about the many and various changes in my life, and to talk about the things that still infuriated me. I wanted to help others by sharing my story, but I also wanted to help myself.
I don't have those problems anymore.
I mean, I do still get angry. But it's not like before. I've moved on as much as I think I'm able to. I'll probably always be a little bit pissed off over what happened, but I think that's the way it should be.
But I got married again (almost three months ago). We bought a house. I'm a stepmother. I'm (still) ridiculously in love with this man that I've known for fourteen years. I have great friends who (I hope) still love me even though I'm not around very much these days. I have a wonderful job and am, generally, having a fantastic time. I'm busy and tired and very much in need of introverting most of the time, but I can't think of very much I'd change.
So that leaves me at a bit of a loss as to what to blog about weekly, now that wedding stress has ended. General happiness and/or being an introvert isn't that exciting, really. I don't have a current life goal to keep tabs on (though I probably should). I have Instagram and Facebook for my daily selfies (and general photo-and-meme sharing). I don't travel (much).
So what do I do?
I read.
I collect vintage and novelty clothing/accessories (and take selfies).
I knit or crochet or cross-stitch.
I bake and cook (when I can).
I step-parent.
I'm a wannabe 60s housewife.
I'm super nerdy, introverted, and not shy about any of it.
And I know there are blogs about (literally) all of these things. But it seems impossible to narrow this random little blog into one defined category. It also seems impractical to blog about everything I enjoy or do.
So I'm at a bit of an impasse. I don't want to stop blogging, even though each week finds me less and less inspired as to what to write about. Two years might be the longest amount of time I've managed to actively maintain a blog, after all. I don't want to break my streak now! But something needs to change. I just don't know what.
What would you like to see more of from me? Less of? What are you interested in reading about? What topics and formats do you find most appealing? I'm clearly at a loss here, so I'm very open to ideas and feedback as to how to keep this blog going and at least fairly interesting.
P.S. Please don't say less selfies.